Local services and opportunities: toilette / WC, shower / bath-tub, self-supplying, breakfast, half board, full supply, kitchen, stove, microwave oven, refrigerator, dinning room, closed car park, TV, sauna, garden, yard stove, camping, dog/cat can be taken, living, grilling, garden furnitures, playground, pool, child poolRegion services and opportunities: grocery, restaurant, cake shop, fast food restaurant, coffee-house, car park, bus park, tennis, skiing, horse riding, hunting, fishing, boating, touring, camping, forest/park, shore, sauna, museum, castle, monument, theater, post office, money exchange, gas station, haircut, beauty service, pharmacy, sanitary service.www.fenyokepanzio.ro |
Tourist Information Office Máréfalva (Satu Mare)
Seklerland - Micro-Region Hegyalja - Máréfalva (Satu Mare) Nr. 450 E-mail: satumarehr@gmail.com Opening hours: weekdays: 8:30-15:30 |
Co-workers |
Simà MÃria³
0740 371 104 |